To honor the legacy of David
Diego Ladowski, the David Diego Ladowski Memorial Fund was created. The Fund award is given to gifted and talented young students of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem's School of Public Policy who are committed to a lifetime of public service and working for world peace and excellence.
here to read the speech given at the
Four merit scholarships were given to these
outstanding students:
Shachar Bookman;
Born in Israel in 1972, grew up in Kibbutz Yizrael. His parents came to Israel from New Zealand.
In 1995 he completed his military service as an IDF officer, and spent a year traveling. He then decided to combine his love for trekking with his wish to educate children in Israel to love their country, and with his hope to increase public awareness of environmental issues, and worked as a tour guide for the Jewish National Fund in Ein Gedi Fieldschool.
Shachar is a Hebrew University alumnus in Geology and Environmental Studies, and he is now concluding his studies in the School of Public Policy's Honors Masters program.
He has been working with youth from the Diaspora arranging tours throughout Israel, within the framework of "La Experiencia Israeli, subsidiaria de la Agencia
Judia" (The Jewish Experience,
subsidiary of the Jewish Agency).
He hopes to use his education in order to influence Israel's policy vis-à-vis environmental issues.
Udi Segal;
Married with 2 kids. Came to this program in hope of acquiring tools and preliminary experience in public policy design and analysis.
His long term ambition is to be involved in the international policy concerning global warming. Also would like to be involved in internal public policy affairs in Israel.
He's proud to say that for the last six months he's been preparing policy papers concerning environmental issues for real clients in the public sector.
Tal Otiker;
A first year student of the Honor's Masters Program at the School of Public Policy, lives in Tel - Aviv, works as a research assistant for Dr. Momi Dahan on a research that examines water consumption in Jerusalem.
Born in 1977 in Eyn Yahav, a co-operative near the Jordanian border.
Parents moved there a year before and founded a farm.
Moved to Jerusalem to become a student in the Israel Arts and Science Academy which is a national, residential senior high school for excellent students in the fields of experimental science, visual arts and music.
In his studies, he has focused on Life Sciences and did some work in Art History.
Spent his military service as a translator from Arabic for the Intelligence, and as a teacher in various courses in the corps. Moved to Tel Aviv after released from service. After receiving a BA from Tel Aviv University (in Economic and Statistics) joined the School of Public Policy in order to expand his knowledge on notions of society and economy.
Hopes to implement the academic tools in future work in the public sector. He's interested especially in welfare policy, in regulation and in industrial organizations.
Believes that the viability of Israeli society, its economic future and democratic character are inextricably tied to the calibre of professionals at the helm of its civil service.
Hopes to be a part of the group that will bring the change.
Liora Sidi;
26 years old. Born in
Jerusalem and moved to the United States with her family at age 8.
At the age 15 decided to live in Israel and went back on her own. While serving in the army, her parents and brother joined her back in Israel.
Served for two years in the Intelligence Unit in the army and studied Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Did internship in the legal department of the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament.
After seeing how things actually work in the Knesset, decided that wanted to take part in changing and improving the quality of decisions that are being made and that affect the lives of many people in Israel.
This is the main reason why she started to learn in the School of Public Policy. She enjoys her studies and hopes that she will able to make a difference in the future.